Sm_hgr_grab_red (Default 0) The red component of the beam (if you are using a custom color) Sm_hgr_grab_color (Default 2) The color of the grab (0 – white, 1 – teamcolor, 2 – custom, 3 – reverse teamcolor) Sm_hgr_grab_amplitude (Default 0.0) The amplitude of the grab beam. Sm_hgr_grab_endwidth (Default 10.0) The ending width of the grab beam. Sm_hgr_grab_initwidth (Default 1.0) The starting width of the grab beam. Sm_hgr_grab_speed (Default 5.0) The speed of the grab. Sm_hgr_grab_slide_enable (Default 1) Allow players to push or pull grab targets (1 – allow, 0 – disallow) Sm_hgr_grab_freeze_enable (Default 0) Allow players to use grab during freezetime (1 – allow, 0 – disallow) Sm_hgr_grab_adminonly (Default 1) Restrict grab to admins (1 – admin only, 0 – everyone) Sm_hgr_grab_enable (Default 1) Enable or disable grab feature (1 – enable, 0 – disable) Sm_hgr_hook_sound (Default “hgr/hookhit.mp3”) Location of hook sound effect relative to /sound/music/ Sm_hgr_hook_alpha (Default 255) The alpha component of the beam (if you are using a custom color) Sm_hgr_hook_blue (Default 0) The blue component of the beam (if you are using a custom color) Sm_hgr_hook_green (Default 0) The green component of the beam (if you are using a custom color) Sm_hgr_hook_red (Default 255) The red component of the beam (if you are using a custom color) Sm_hgr_hook_color (Default 2) The color of the hook (0 – white, 1 – teamcolor, 2 – custom, 3 – reverse teamcolor) Sm_hgr_hook_amplitude (Default 0.0) The amplitude of the hook beam. Sm_hgr_hook_endwidth (Default 5.0) The ending width of the hook beam. Sm_hgr_hook_initwidth (Default 5.0) The starting width of the hook beam. Sm_hgr_hook_speed (Default 5.0) The speed of the hook. Sm_hgr_hook_slide_enable (Default 1) Allow players to reverse hook direction (1 – allow, 0 – disallow) Sm_hgr_hook_freeze_enable (Default 0) Allow players to use hook during freezetime (1 – allow, 0 – disallow) Sm_hgr_hook_adminonly (Default 1) Restrict hook to admins (1 – admin only, 0 – everyone) Sm_hgr_hook_enable (Default 1) Enable or disable hook feature (1 – enable, 0 – disable) Sm_hgr_downbutton (Default IN_DUCK) Button to use for descending ropes, pulling grab targets, and hooking backward Sm_hgr_upbutton (Default IN_JUMP) Button to use for ascending ropes, pushing grab targets, and hooking forward Sm_hgr_overridemode (Default 0) If enabled, only players who have manually been given access can use plugin (1 – enable, 0 – disable) Sm_hgr_sound_amplify (Default 3) Control sound effect volume (0 – no sound, 1 – quiet, 5 – loud)

Sm_hgr_announce (Default 1) Announce plugin availability to players (1 – enable, 0 – disable) Sm_hgr_takerope Removes rope access from a player or group of players. Sm_hgr_giverope Gives rope access to a player or group of players. Sm_hgr_takegrab Removes grab access from a player or group of players. Sm_hgr_givegrab Gives grab access to a player or group of players. Sm_hgr_takehook Removes hook access from a player or group of players. Sm_hgr_givehook Gives hook access to a player or group of players. +grab Grab a player or object and move it around +hook Shoot a hook and glide toward where it lands Allows admins (or all players) to hook on to walls,